Planning is underway for bicycle and pedestrian improvements along portions of Canal Street and Combellack Road – key roadways within the City of Placerville.

The City of Placerville’s multi-year, comprehensive project will include a variety of improvements to help increase safety and encourage more active transportation along Canal Street and Combellack Road. New sidewalks, bike lanes, traffic calming measures, pedestrian improvements and pavement rehabilitation are among the improvements planned for these roadways. Design and environmental clearance efforts are underway, and the initial phase of construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.

The dark blue line shows the Canal Street Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project alignment within the City of Placerville.

The dark blue line shows the Canal Street Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project alignment within the City of Placerville.

Project Components

• New curb, gutter and sidewalk on Combellack Road

• Replacement of narrow existing sidewalk on portions of Canal Street

• Pavement rehabilitation on Canal Street

• New shared downhill bike lane on north bound Canal Street

• New uphill bike lane on south bound Canal Street

• Curb ramp improvements along the frontage of El Dorado High School

• Utility assessments to determine necessary improvements or replacements of water, sewer, or storm drain systems

Project Segments

The City of Placerville’s Canal Street Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project consists of multiple phases, with the environmental clearance and preliminary design underway. Regular progress updates will be shared on this website as the project moves forward.

  • Combellack Road from Canal St. to David Circle

    Timeline: Environmental Clearance 2024, Preliminary and Final Design 2024, Construction 2025

  • Canal St. from Combellack Road to Cougar Lane

    Timeline: Environmental Clearance 2024, Preliminary Design 2024

  • Canal Street from Cougar Lane to Hwy 50

    Timeline: Environmental Clearance 2024, Preliminary Design 2024